Hello and Assalamualaikum peeps!
Hi, I'm Hana. Weeya is going to share her stereotype in our next entry.
Let me share mine first hihihi.
I know I have chosen to share something very sensitive. But that's the only thing that comes to my mind at this moment. I have a big issue on Mamak. Wait, I'm not racist nor hate them. Never ever. Don't get me wrong. I have a lot of Mamak friends and I surely love them! So yeah to be more specific, eating at Mamak restaurant. I know eating at Mamak restaurant has become a trend in our Malay society. We accept Mamak as part of ours. Yes, I never denied that Mamak are also Muslim and they already mix the blood with Malay but for some reason, I have stop eating at their restaurant.
I once was a Mamak food lover. Ohhh I love their roti canai, nasi kandar and their ayam tandoori. Marvellous! Unfortunately, I saw something that absolutely change my perception towards them. To the extent where I will never see them as the people I used to accept in my culture anymore. What is that? Ehem I'm not going to tell about it like very detail. No, let's just keep it as a secret haha I just want to share my stereotype towards them on cleanliness. Hygiene. For me, Mamak are taking cleanliness for granted. They did not take cleanliness as important as it is. And years ago, there was a video went viral, it's about an Indian Mamak who was flipping roti canai and his sweats was like raining around the roti canai. Oh no, can you feel me? Can you?? Wait wait, it's not only Mamak, if I saw an exact situation where Malay was in the video like that I know I will puke and lost my appetite straight away. But this case, because the person in that video was Mamak and everything has changed, I am not going to eat at Mamak restaurant anymore. Frankly speaking, I miss Mamak food, their food is superb delicious I tell you. If there is a Mamak restaurant that get labelled A for their cleanliness, I promise I will eat there everyday :)
So that's all from me, thank you for reading!
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